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jump shot造句

"jump shot"是什么意思  
  • I ' ve got to rely on my jump shot a lot more
    做太多次的腾空投球真的很困难。 ”
  • Operations guide : mobile keyboard keys z a jump shooting
  • Had a jump shot that ' d make you weep
  • Your honor , i still got a pretty good jump shot . let me show you
  • The next key about control movement , the space bar or jump shooting
  • Well , there goes my jump shot
  • Oh , you got jokes to go along with that ugly jump shot of yours , huh
  • A miss off the backboard then followed an awkward - looking jump shot
  • She managed to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net
  • Wiley said . " fundamentally , his jump shot is perfect for a big guy
    威利这样说道, "对于一个大个子队员来讲,他的跳投基本上是完美无缺的。
  • It's difficult to see jump shot in a sentence. 用jump shot造句挺难的
  • Discuss on improve the percentage of hits of the jump shot in basketball teaching in university
  • They are gone , aren ' t they ? yao ' s over relying his jump shot . will it work in the playoffs
  • Missed free throws , relying too much on jump shots and abysmal defense have plagued the team all season
  • I remember when everyone was saying that yao ' s jump shot was gone , when he wasn ' t taking or making them much
  • The result of all that should be a quality shot : a layup , or a wide open jump shot within the player ' s range
  • Midrange pull - ups were the most common result of his ability to move , stop , then elevate , resulting in clean jump shots
  • When in doubt - - and lebron still has key - moment doubt in his hot / cold jump shot - - lebron basically plays football
  • Someone explain to me why dirk is so gifted for being a jump shooter despite being 7 feet tall , yet yao is soft for having a jump shot at 7 ' 6
  • " you can ' t guard chris when he ' s making his jump shots , " said raptor coach sam mitchell . " he can go around you , left or right , and he can shoot it
    他还说道: “克里斯一旦在外线找到手感,便会变得不可战胜,他可以从左右任何一个位置攻击篮筐。
  • Wiley said . " fundamentally , his jump shot is perfect for a big guy . really we have nothing to lose . he is a diamond in the rough .
    威利这样说道, "对于一个大个子队员来讲,他的跳投基本上是完美无缺的。我们确实不会有任何损失。他是一颗未经雕琢的钻石。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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